Beginner’s Guide to Use Clips Feature on Twitch

how to clip on twitch

Watching live streams of your favourite games is fun, and if you want to capture great twitch moments then here is a brief Guide to Use Clips Feature on Twitch

With its increasing popularity, many big streamers are on the board now, and some of them have become celebrities. If you want to know how to start then here is a guide on how to start streaming on Twitch.

If any player on twitch is playing your favourite game overwatch, then there must be some moments you want to capture as a memory to share with your friends on social media.

Guide to Use Clips Feature on Twitch

Luckily twitch has recently launched a new feature, that you can capture a clip on twitch.

This feature just got famous in no time as it was the most awaited feature.

Most of the watchers always wanted to capture their favourite moments, and this feature made this possible.

The best part of this feature is that it works for both Computer and Smartphones. Here is the step by step guide for both devices

For PC or MacBook

If you are watching twitch streaming on your computer, the process is pretty simple. Just follow the steps.

  • Log in to your Twitch account, and open the channel whose video’s clip you want to capture.
  • While watching the video, put the cursor on the video and click on the clip icon on the corner. Or you can simply press Alt +X (⌥ + X for Mac) from your keyboard. And the video will capture a clip of previous 25 seconds + 5 seconds after the capture.
  • So if your clip making timings are not good, don’t worry at all. You will be instantly taken to the new window with the clip and tools to modify it.
  • You can edit the size of the clip here.
  • After capturing and editing, you now have multiple options to share this clip of 30 seconds. You can share it on Facebook, twitter, or you can post it on your Twitch.
  • To share on other social sites, use the relevant buttons.
  • To share it on Twitch, press the publish button in the corner.
Guide to Use Clips Feature on Twitch

Download the Clip from Twitch

After capturing the clip, you can just press the download button to download the clip in your computer.

How to Clip on Twitch Mobile

If you are an Android or iPhone user, you can still capture the clip using the Twitch official app.

Follow the steps.

  • Log in to the account.
  • Select the video you want to capture.
  • Tap on the clip icon, as shown in the picture.
Guide to Use Clips Feature on Twitch
  • After the Tap, give it a few seconds to process the video. This will capture the clip of 30 seconds. According to Twitch blog, 25 sec before the capture of the clip and 5 seconds after Taping the button. So it takes 5 seconds to process.
Guide to Use Clips Feature on Twitch
  • After processing, select the desired option. You can share it directly via Twitch or other apps, or you can just copy the link to share it.

Manage Clips on Twitch & Guide to Use Clips Feature on Twitch

After making the clips, they also save in your Twitch account. Log in to your Twitch account, and in clips section you can see your captured clips.

Clips can be sorted by the Name, channel, date, and even the game name.

After sorting according to your desire, you can now select multiple and can delete or share from here.

#Twitch’s NEW Highlighter Makes Editing EASY!


You can observe how easy it is to clip on twitch irrespective of the device you have.

Long story short you can clip on twitch via the key combination Alt +X on Pc

And ⌥ +X for Mac.

You can also clip on Twitch mobile app.

For that, you just have to tap the clip icon on the top corner, and the remaining process is the same.

Please write us back in the comments about your experience with using Twitch Clips feature.


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